In today’s modern life, the need for an unexpected amount of cash to solve financial problems is completely normal and happens quite frequently. However, not everyone has the ease of borrowing money from banks or financial institutions. Particularly, borrowers need to prioritize the "safety" of borrowing money. So how can you safely and effectively borrow cash? Let’s explore and solve this puzzle in the article below.
What is a Safe Cash Loan?
A safe cash loan is a form of borrowing where the borrower can receive the necessary amount of cash without facing significant financial risks or legal issues. This concept not only refers to borrowing money legally but also includes protecting the borrower’s rights, ensuring repayment ability, and avoiding unreasonable fees or interest rates. So what factors should a borrower know to safely borrow cash?
Factors to Know for Safe Cash Loans, Suitable for Financial ConditionsIf you've never borrowed money before, or are even worried about personal information being provided to wrongdoers, the following factors for safe cash loans will somewhat boost your confidence before starting:
1. Understand Different Types of Loans
Currently, there are various forms of loans such as consumer loans, unsecured loans, secured loans, loans through online applications, etc. Each type has its own pros and cons. Take time to thoroughly understand these loan types to choose the one that best suits your needs and financial capability. Choosing the right loan form will help you save on costs and time.
2. Understand Interest Rates, Loan Limits, Loan Periods
- Interest rates: This is a crucial factor in determining the loan repayment amount. With promotional loan programs, borrowers need to understand the following: how long the promotion lasts, how the interest rate will be calculated after the promotional period, interest rate adjustment periods, etc. The interest rate is subject to the policies of banks or financial institutions. This information is agreed upon upfront before signing the loan contract with the lender.
- Loan limits: The loan amount will depend on the borrower's needs and approval from the bank or financial institutions. For unsecured loans, the loan limit can go up to hundreds of millions of VND. For secured loans with collateral, the limit depends on the value of the collateral and can reach up to tens of billions of VND.
- Loan period: The loan period affects the borrower’s monthly repayment amount. Calculating the repayment amount is part of financial planning before borrowing and is determined by dividing the total loan amount by the loan period. Therefore, borrowers should also consider the loan period to manage their finances proactively, avoiding the stress of paying too much due to choosing a short loan term.
3. Transparent Loan Terms
One important note when borrowing is that before signing the loan contract, the borrower should take the time to carefully review the entire loan agreement. Check the information in the loan contract. Especially, the borrower should ensure that terms related to the loan period, interest rate calculation, penalties for early or late repayments are clearly defined. If there are any uncertainties, the borrower should ask the advisor to explain thoroughly.
4. Pay Attention to Additional Fees
Many lending institutions may charge fees for processing documents, late payment fees, or other charges. Carefully read the contract to know about these fees and calculate the total amount the borrower needs to repay.
5. Maintain Contact with the Bank or Lending Institution
Lenders typically have reminder systems using methods such as email, phone messages, or direct calls. Borrowers can register for these services to ensure they don’t miss any repayment reminders and avoid unnecessary financial penalties for late payments.
If there are any changes in the contact information between the borrower and the lender, the borrower should proactively notify the lender for timely updates. To make it convenient for borrowers, Shinhan Finance encourages borrowers to download the iShinhan app to easily register loans, make payments, and manage their loans. Additionally, follow Shinhan Finance’s Fanpage regularly to receive reminders about upcoming payment deadlines.
Borrowing cash safely is not just about finding capital but also about carefully assessing and planning finances. By saving this article, borrowers can ensure they are making a smart financial decision. Always be cautious, clarify all terms, and seek advice if necessary to protect yourself and your finances. Check out Shinhan Finance’s payment channels here.