Special offer from MoMo & ZaloPay for new customers who make first repayment for Shinhan Finance
The cooperation program of Shinhan Finance and MoMo e-wallet, ZaloPay e-wallet with the aim to bring exclusive offer for Shinhan Finance’s Customer and new users of 02 e-wallets who make first repayment for Shinhan Finance. This offer is especially applicable on the due date 01st, 05th, 10th and 16th of December, 2020 at Shinhan Finance.
Accordingly, from November 16th, 2020 to the end of December 16th, 2020 Customers who create new Momo account or ZaloPay account and make the first repayment for Shinhan Finance through MoMo and ZaloPay will stand a chance of receiving cashback or voucher for their MoMo/ZaloPay account (*).
Click here for further details of MoMo including eligibility, program scheme, terms and conditions.
Click here for further details of ZaloPay including eligibility, program scheme, terms and conditions.
Through these continuous repayment channel expansion efforts to bring optimal experience for our Customers, encourage Customers to use online payment channels, Shinhan Finance hope that value-added activities with exclusive offers from partners of the Company will contribute to help Customers maintain the habit of on time and full repayment, actively contributing to consolidating good credit history.
(*) Terms and conditions