Announcement on the winning Customers of “Shop Freely, Interest to reimburse” Promotion - Phase 01
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Announcement on the winning Customers of “Shop Freely, Interest to reimburse” Promotion - Phase 01

Dear Valued Customers,

Shinhan Vietnam Finance Company Limited (Shinhan Finance) would like to thank Valued Customers for the interest and participation in the Promotion program " Shop Freely, Interest to reimburse" (took place from December 1st, 2021 to January 15th, 2022) with a total promotional value up to 1 billion VND for Customers who applying loan of sales finance and auto loan.

With the desire to accompany Valued Customers during the period of economic recovery after the prolonged Covid-19 period, Shinhan Finance is very proud to have successfully organized this meaningful promotion program, helping customers to buy desired products, contribute to improve the quality of life with a smart spending plan.

Based on Shinhan Finance's loan management system, Company has analyzed and identified the list of eligible Customers, who meets the program's terms & conditions.

Congratulations to our Valued Customers who meet the program terms and conditions, each Valued Customer will be reimbursed the interest of the first payment period, detail as follows:

  • Customers applying sales finance loans will receive the interest of the first payment period, based on the repayment schedule attached to the Customer's Sales Finance Loan Contract, up to VND 600,000 (six hundred thousand)
  • Customers applying auto loans will receive the interest of the first payment period, based on the repayment schedule attached to the Customer's Auto Loan Contract, up to VND 5,000,000 (five million)

Detailed 1st list of Valued customers receiving promotions please see here.

Customers want to review the Promotion Announcement, please click here.

Once again, we sincerely thank you for your attention and support.

Best regards,

Shinhan Vietnam Finance Company Limited

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