A credit card is not only a payment method, but it also has a cash advance feature that is extremely useful, particularly in emergency situations.
Consequently, using a credit card to withdraw cash from an ATM is a type of using a credit card to advance cash. As a result, which requires a balance to be available for withdrawal, credit card holders are allowed to make cash withdrawals within the allowable credit limit from the credit card provider.
Let's look at some of the interesting benefits of this feature and update some useful information to help you in selecting the best one.
Instant cash when you need it from almost any ATM
If you’re strapped for cash and have limited resources, a credit card cash advance could come in handy. All you have to do is go to the nearest bank or ATM with Mastercard / Visa logos; and withdraw money easily in just a few minutes.
No complicated application forms or procedures
A loan usually requires you to fill out an application and wait for approval from your bank or lender. A credit card cash advance is a surefire way to get the cash you need without the hassle.
THE FIRST international credit card issued by Shinhan Finance in cooperation with Mastercard has outstanding benefits in addition to the conveniences it offers, such as not only cardholders can withdraw cash up to 100% of its limit when there is an urgent need for cash, but also can separate the debt to periods (up to 48 months) with an interest rate from only 18% per year. For that advantages, customers' equated monthly installment is lighter and appropriate to each individual's financial situation. Learn more about THE FIRST credit card here.
Especially, from now to 31/12/2022, Shinhan Finance launches the program "THE FIRST withdraw, full of coins in the wallet" to offer a discount of up to 150,000 VND for each Customer (Primary Cardholder) who meets the conditions of cash withdrawal by Shinhan Finance THE FIRST credit card. For more information, click here.