Enjoy extra gift with iShinhan on Tet holiday
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Enjoy extra gift with iShinhan on Tet holiday

Happy Tet, Customers who successfully log in and make loan payment transaction on iShinhan mobile application best wishes for new year through the "Happy Tet to receive gift with iShinhan" program.

Accordingly, from February 1, 2024 to February 29, 2024, customers (*) who successfully log in and make loan payment transaction on the iShinhan mobile application will receive combo Grab e-code worth VND 60,000.

(*) Only apply for customers who receive notifications via Zalo message from the Shinhan Finance’s Zalo Official Account to participate this promotion program.

Each customer eligible for 01 (once) time per program.

For more information about Program Terms & Conditions as here.

iShinhan is a mobile application that integrates comprehensive technology solutions on a digital platform. With this application, the loan and credit card payment transaction process are encapsulated with 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Select loan or card on due.
    Step 2: Select payment method.
  • Step 3: Authenticate to confirm payment.

From there, consumers enjoy a comprehensive mainstream financial service in a convenient, safe, and intuitive way through this application. At the same time, proactively controlling your entire financial situation, including loans and credit cards, to plan payments on time becomes easy with just a few simple and safe steps.

Let’s log in on the iShinhan application to experience the full benefits and incentives.

Shinhan Finance

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