In the early days of the Lunar New Year 2024, Shinhan Finance held the opening ceremony for its Branch District 1 at the new address: 11th floor, 99 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
District 1 Branch is equipped with spacious and modern facilities and a team of professional and dedicated staff. This place will certainly continue to bring customers different financial experiences and diverse services to meet the consumption needs of individuals and families. At the Branch District 1, this is in the first time, Shinhan Finance introduces and pilot “digital” area. This is a special area fully integrated with modern technology allowing customers to perform "digital" transactions themselves.
The opening of the Branch District 1 has brought new momentum to Shinhan Finance. This marks the beginning of significant changes for Shinhan Finance in 2024.
In addition, Shinhan Finance has recently implemented a flexible cash withdrawal feature using the withdrawal code generation on the iShinhan, financial management application. Accordingly, customers, who register for a Shinhan Finance credit card, will own a virtual version on the iShinhan, available immediately upon card issuance. With just a few simple steps, customers can easily create a successful cash withdrawal code on iShinhan. With this code, customers can quickly withdraw cash at VPBank transaction counters nationwide completely free of charge.
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